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Early, Remote English Certification Assessment for Potential International GTAs
This form can be used to nominate 2 high-priority, international applicants per admissions cycle per program for early, remote ETCS testing for GTA appointments. The nominated applicants must have been admitted to the program, be likely to attend OU based on conversations with academic unit faculty and be slated for funding via a GTA appointment. Completing this form will result in ETCS contacting the nominated applicant about early, remote English certification to secure a GTA offer. The results of the certification assessment will be sent to the academic unit faculty as soon as possible, usually within one month of nomination, if not sooner.
Nominating Faculty Name*
Nominating Faculty OU Email*
Academic Program or Unit Name*
Applicant's First Name*
Applicant's Last Name*
Applicant's Sooner ID*
Reliable Email for the Applicant*
Admit Term*
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2023
Fall 2023
Spring 2024
Rationale for Requesting Early, Remote Testing for This International Applicant - please provide 1) concise reasoning for why this student is a high priority applicant for the academic program and 2) strong evidence that this applicant will attend OU*
Not required
) If known, describe the likely GTA appointment types for this applicant